Greed Island

纪念我喜欢的动画片Hunter X Hunter。

星期五, 二月 16, 2007

mobile phone tools安装问题

Posted by 박용진

为了备份联系人安装motorola的mobile phone tools。因为人懒,安装的时候省略了几个步骤,强行安装后开始使用。等连接上v3以后告诉我V3guc not found in modems.pac。虽然报 V3guc not found in modems.pac但显示有微弱的信号,以为数据线或者其他地方有问题开始检查usb接口可没看出问题(或者说以我的眼力根本就是看不出问题)。开始上网查。正好找到一个地方说"In fact what is missing is not the V3guc driver but the file modems.pac is not at the right place.

TO solve the issue copy the modems.pac file (from the CD) and put in inside the directory where MPT is installed (usually in c:/program file/MPT directory).

That was enough to solve the issue.
"。令我欣喜若狂。^^。找出modems.pac后拷贝到安装目录下,""C:\Program Files\mobile PhoneTools\"。搞定~