Seems screen description is not ready yet.Of course we can implement using these incomplete s/d but will cause more adjustment later.Hope you assign to me when s/d is ready to start coding or Shanghai s/d team can adjust s/d independently and let implementation team go on,not everytime when you make change but didn't complete adjustment. I think you can fix s/d several time till finish s/d and make several adjustment date in case of forgot your progress at s/d. And when you complete s/d adjustment also make several fix date to one and assign to me to go on.
(It) seems that the screen descrition has not been ready yet. We of course can implement using these icomplete items/descriptions, but it will need more adjustments later on. Hope you assign it to me when s/d is ready to start coding or Shanghai s/d team can independently, and let implementation team go on.
I think you can fix 's/d' a few times until/till the 's/d' has been finished. You can also put down the different adjutment dates in case of forgetting your progress in 's/d' .
When you have finished the 's/d' adjustment, you can use a new date instead of these diferent dates and send to me so that I can go on with the 's/d' modified by you.
It seems that screen description is not ready yet. Of course we can implement using these incomplete s/d but it will cause more adjustment later. Hope you assign the task to me when s/d is ready to start coding or Shanghai s/d team can adjust s/d independently and let implementation team to go on to work, please complete the work of adjustment, when you change it from now on
I think you can revise s/d several times, till finishing s/d and making several adjustment date in case of forgetting your progress at s/d. And when you complete s/d adjustment, please organize several revisions to one final s/d and assign it to me to go on.
I think you can revise s/d several times, till finishing s/d and making several adjustment date in case of forgetting your progress at s/d. And when you complete s/d adjustment, please organize several revisions to one final s/d and assign it to me to go on.